Monday, March 02, 2009



I have only received permission for 3 girls to bridge.

If you have not done so please get that in ASAP.

Please respond to this email with a  YES WE ARE BRIDGING in the subject line so I can give Phyllis a heads up about how many girls to expect.  They are doing a Science experiment badge which are girls will earn as well. (part of the requirement to bridge)


Once I know how many girls are participating I can plan activities accordingly to make sure that our girls get the most out of this experience.  Please remember to also include a $8 to troop 41184 for expenses. If you are unable to pay the fee, please just submit the form.  We don’t want any girls to miss out on this experience.


I am really looking forward to participating in this process with our girls. Hope they all can participate.





PS scroll down to receive the sign up form again if you have misplaced it.




Becoming a Brownie School year 2009-2010 Current 1 st Grade girls only. Kindergarten girls will remain a daisy 1 more year. I know you are saying…. “ What is she thinking we aren’ t even through with Daisies ” Well like all things in Scouting, we must plan ahead. Those girls who feel they would like to go further into Brownies next year may participate in a special Bridge badge. It actually is quite fun for the girls….. Here at Ames we will

 Attend a Brownie meeting and complete an activity with them

  Ask a brownie scout some of the things she does as a Brownie

 Complete a Brownie Try it ( Brownie Badge)

 “ Bridge ” our Daisies into Brownies at a very special ceremony during our Year end awards.

 Can your daughter be a Brownie without Bridging? Absolutely, we do not want to turn away any girls but only those girls who complete the Bridging program will earn the badge and participate in the “ Bridging ” portion of the ceremony. Once we know how many girls are participating, we will coordinate with the Ames current Brownie Troop and we will set up a schedule of events for the girls. Those Daisies who become Brownies next year will be part of a second troop that we will form. Please print out The attached form, fill in and send along with $8 to Joan Kanatas for participation/supplies (Checks may be made payable to Troop #41184) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - I _______________________________give my daughter______________________________ permission to participate in the Bridging to Brownies Activities. ______________________________Parents signature

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